Monday, September 13, 2010
To you, what makes a good school? Good teachers? Good students? Top school? All these are just the shell, outside. Good school need not to be the top school, therefore, i conclude, good school ain't top school. Well, to me, good school comprises of good students, that's the basic criteria. My school is ain't a good school, i can honestly tell you this. However, i enjoyed my time there as i knew many good friends and my darling(nick).
Speaking of which, through facebook i knew a girl who belongs to the same school as i attended. She seems depressed because she's from Siglap. (shocking right?) She told me that because her friends are from 'better' schools, in a way. She said her friends are from Greenview, Coral, Dunman and especially when they had primary school gathering, she would tend to be awkward whenever they mention things about their school. She result ain't bad, she managed to clinched among the top positions. However, her friends would just comment that 'your school paper is easy that's why you managed to score this well, if you were to give me this paper, i would score that well too...' That makes her even depressed.. I told her that, eventually all of us will still be sitting for the 'N' & 'O' level examinations, no point arguing about your results now, let the paper speaks. Let the result determine whose voice is louder.
People tend to say 'stop comparing your result with ours' because they knew they can't outsmart you in papers. So the resorted to use violence and anger on you, that's ain't a man supposed to behave.
To the girl.. please do not give up on siglap as siglap still had many many good teachers. Hang on for another two more years.. your teacher did not give up on you, please don't not give up on yourself.. Stand up and fight, you just had to study and let the papers talk :)
9/13/2010 06:53:00 PM,