
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why do we have to save the earth? The reason is simple because earth is DYING! Earth is dying because of what humans did, because of natural disasters! We can play a part in saving the earth, no matter how small is your contribution, it's still a contribution. Some might think that others didn't do it, why should i? Why not you think it this way, others might be waiting for you to start so they will follow suit. Do what you think is deem fit for the earth, save the earth because all of us are living in the earth. The earth may die anytime, all of us will eventually die one day. Before we die, let's protect our environment!

There are couple of reasons why do we need to protect the earth. All the animal get affected by it and some even die tragically because they are not getting enough oxygen. It can also cause trees to die! Due to the global warming which is caused by Carbon Dioxide which is air pollution. Water pollution is also very harmful because human bodies contains 61.8% of water and we without water we will DIE! Because this is where our friends, our family lives. If we want a future with breathable air and plenty of nice foods, we should teach our friends and family to respect the earth. Earth is like our mother, it gives us a place to live, a place to stay, food and everything beyond, by killing our mother earth we are indirectly killing ourselves. Without an environment, there wouldn't be us. What are we going to do? Live on a "death star" planet with giant man-made hepa filters and ionizing air conditioners? The natural way is the cheapest for us, we need to protect it, to ultimately protect us. By protecting our planet, we are also stopping the spread of illnesses and diseases! Lastly, by keeping the Earth clean, our future generation are able to enjoy the beautiful land given to them.

What harms the Earth? These are the causes : Sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen can lead to acid rain
dyes released by industries pollute the river. Even overpopulation does harm the Earth. Deforestation also affect the environment cutting down of trees cause soil erosion habitats of animals are destroyed...therefore animals become instinct the composition of air is not stable since the amount of carbon dioxide gas will tend to rise compared to oxygen. The use of products containing CFCs,the ozone layer is thus depleted
due to deforestation,carbon dioxide gas,being a greenhouse gas,will trap the excess sun rays due to the hole in the ozone layer. This causes an increase in the earth's atmosphere temperature. Therefore global warming. he list of chemicals that make up many laundry detergents is scary! The whole world is concerned with greening our environment, and now they are turning their eyes to alternative cleaning products. A great place to start is the laundry. And also from factory it will create a noise pollution.

There are many many causes and consequences on how global warming occur and why does it occur. If you want to contribute to the Earth but do not know how, you may try switching off the air-con as the air-con causes your skin to dry up. It also will cause the problem of breath and sinus, besides this there is a fear of skin allergy and your skin becomes over resistant and rashes are caused. We on the air conditioners because we are hot/warm. Do you know that if we are warm, we turned on the air conditioners and it cools us but at the same time, it is making the environment even hotter. Once it turns hotter, you turned on the air conditioners again, thus, it became a non stop vicious cycle. This cycle is still on today! Spread this to all your friends, by contributing a little to the environment, you are not far to contribute to the whole of Earth! God bless :)

8/11/2010 10:28:00 PM,

Friday, August 6, 2010

Do you all know what are double sided people? double sided life? It means that people with two different personality. Let's call it this way, when party X is with you, it acts with you, chat with you, laugh with you. When they decided not to go out with you, they will find the other group of people, party X will then criticize you, gossip about you. This is what double sided people do. You may not understand what am i saying, i will give you an example. This incident happened quite sometime ago. There were 3 groups of people, let's named them A, B & C. These 3 groups of people were gossiping about this person(D). So, one fine day, A came and talk to me, told me about all the bad things that D did to HIM/HER, so i listened and try to analyze the situation for for A. B came and talked to me on the same person, D. B told me that "blah blah blah blah blah", i did the same thing, analyze it and B don't really listen because B is quite angry. Then came C, C told me what D did and told me that D is an idiot, loser blah blah blah blah blah. The very next day, A,B&C still continues and chat with D, laugh with D, play with D. They totally forgotten what they had told me the day before, this is what i call double sided people, maybe in your life you may meet this type of people, talk to him, consult them. It is very tiring to put on a mask everyday, living a life with a poker face. Why not we treat others like how we treat ourselves? We are born into this world not to quarrel with people but to know each others, make friends. We may quarrel once but that does not mean we can't be friends. Friends do bicker at times because we had different perspectives in things, in life. Double sided people are the person we need to put our guards on, they may seem harmless but they are NOT! Certainly, some people had no choice but to put on a mask because of the friends that they had, choose the right type of friend, make the right decision, every decision you make, you had to face the music, ALONE. Honestly speaking, i do have friends who had poker faces, they are close to me because they want to know what others said to me. Life can be simple, can be fun. Life is like a cycle, if you treat people well, people will treat you well, likewise, if you mistreat people, you can't blame them for not treating you good. You are your own mirror, do what you think it's good for you, don't let others manipulate you, stay focused and no harm will come to you. Be smart in choosing the kind of friends that you are having now, at this point, at our age, we may not see the point of choosing the right friends, when you have grown up, have your own family, own children, you then will realize how hurting is what your own children say NO to you, rebel against you. Trust me, you won't like that feeling. It's ain't too late to repent, ain't to late to turn back, we do, and always have a choice, it's just whether you want to use it or throw it. Cherish the chance you have because you may not be given a second chance :)

8/06/2010 08:43:00 PM,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

你们有没有听过这句话 “祸从口出”? 当我们没有嘴巴的时候,我们有很多事情都不能做。 可是人就是很奇怪, 有了嘴巴又不好好的珍惜,嘴里出来的都是一些容易得罪人的话。 为什么我们不能管好我们的嘴巴呢? 为什么我们一定要说些难听的话呢? 当我们和我们的朋友吵架时, 我们会一次过把所有对对方的不满都说出来, 这样可以是好, 也可以是不好。 当我们不喜欢一个人的时候, 我们就会和别人说这个人不好,那个人不好, 但是我们渐渐的把那个人对我们所做的好事都忘了,只记得那些坏事。如果我们管好我们的嘴,是不是不会容易的得罪人?

8/05/2010 10:39:00 PM,

我刚和 Nick, Chin Hwee, Peng Seah, Darrel & Samuel 打完羽毛球, 很好玩, 有很多很好笑的动作。 哈哈哈 我和 Nick 看见红绿灯再闪, 我们两个就冲了过去, 我们把 Chin Hwee, Peng Seah 和 Darrel 留在后面。 这么巧, 巴士来了, 我和 Nick 就上了巴士, 没有等他们, 他们应该很生气! 结果我们在巴士终站等他门来。 然后我们搭81巴士回家, 一路上在巴士都没有说话, 我想大家都累了吧。 好,我今天就写到这里, 等一下还要和父母出去吃饭! :)

8/05/2010 05:39:00 PM,


约翰福音3:16 神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。


Born in 1st MARCH 1994

Current Cravings

'N' LEVEL [Single digit]
'O' LEVEL less than 15
I wish to have a NEW iron & Iron board

Chin Hwee


August 2010 (:
September 2010 (:
December 2010 (:



DESIGNER •dreamer_kylie95•
PICTURE *luminatii

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.